

Hey 我們是實踐大學蘭友會 , 在外地讀書的宜蘭小孩們 , 別讓寂寞與冷淡侵蝕你的大學生活 , 在蘭友會你一樣能感覺到溫暖以及親切感 , 歡迎你們加入蘭友會 , 讓我們一起努力 , 繼續把蘭陽子弟那如太陽般的熱情及樂於助人的天性 , 繼續傳承下去 !!

Hey ! We are Lanyo club of USC . The purpose of establish this club is to make people who feel warm when they study in other places but their real hometown is in I-Lan. We are just like a big family so hurry to join us !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!