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本系現有交響樂團、管樂團、合唱團、弦樂團、擊樂團、爵士樂團等組織,每年均安排各種形式演出活動。每年學系展演近百餘場,2002年夏季管樂團首度應邀至奧地利及德國參加中歐管樂節(MID EUROPE 2002)演出;2004年交響樂團赴日本東京首演多首台灣作曲家作品;2006年管樂團再次應邀赴奧地利參加第八屆中歐管樂節,榮獲第五名佳績。此外,學系不定期邀請國際知名專家學者蒞校授課舉行講座或研習活動,如德籍指揮家Feser、德籍鋼琴家Steinfatt、旅義女高音朱苔麗、旅法鋼琴家秦蓓慈、日本知名指揮川本敬治、聖彼得堡交響樂團首席Lev Klychkov、比利時作曲家Jan Van der Roost、日籍上低音號演奏家外囿祥一郎、美籍大提琴家Thomas Landschoot、國家交響樂團音樂總監呂紹嘉、法國小提琴家Roland Daugareil、莫斯科柴可夫斯基紀念音樂學院鋼琴教授Nataliya Trull、國內知名指揮陳秋盛、美籍管樂指揮Rodney Winther等多位教授,期能拓展學生國際視野。



About us - Department of Music, Shih-Chien University

The department of Music at Shih-Chien University, one of the first institutions in professional music education in Taiwan, was founded in 1969, under the supervision of Professor Chuan-Shen Lu, the founding director and a foremost prominent figure in chorus and children’s education in Taiwan. In 1991, Shih-Chien Senior College expanded into a 4-year college and then in 1997, a university. Celebrating it jubilee in 2009, the department of music has since developed into an institution with over 1000 alumni under directors such as Prof. Chuan-Shen Lu, Prof. Bing-Chuan Lu, Prof. Lau Chi-Ming, Prof. Chen-Chi Lin, and Dr. Hui-Kang Ouyang. and since fall 2006 , Prof. Kang-Ting Ho. After 50 years of implementation and continual development, the Department remains committed to its founding principles.

Curriculum design and concept in the department of music, USC, aim in keeping balance between academic theories and marketing realities. Keeping information updated and ideas refreshed while assuring solid traditions alive and strict standard unbiased, the department of music provides not only professional training for a future career in performance, but also lectures to expand employment and profession dimensions for music-major graduates. Professional curriculum at department of music, USC, aims in a balanced fusion of aesthetics and performing skills, with solid theory training and practices. Aside from pure academic trainings, the competence and factors in future employment of alumni mark importance in our cutting-edge selective courses.

Major disciplines include Piano, Voice, Strings, Woodwinds, Brass and Percussion. The department began with its 3-year course emphasizing in piano and vocal majors within the then-all-female senior college scheme while co-education began in 1985. In 1996, the recruiting of euphonium majors indicated the indispensible role later played by the later established Shih-Chien Wind Orchestra in 2000.

A significant break-through among all other music departments in Taiwan was made in 2002 when “Improvisation and Ensemble in Jazz music” was introduced into the curriculum, as well as the admittance of Saxophone majors since 2003.

The graduate program, established in 2007, has attracted an array of young talents pursuing further academic training embodying a broader vision in future professional career.

The department of music proudly presents its very active groups – a symphony orchestra, a wind orchestra, a choir, a percussion ensemble, a jazz ensemble, as well as chamber music ensembles at regular concerts at venues such as National Concert Hall and Recital Hall, as well as establishments around Taiwan. Regular master-classes and lectures form a strong part of academic activities at Shih-Chien. Master-classes featuring prominent artists ranging from Maestro Tamás Vásáry, soprano Tai-Li Chu, to Brass magnets and Jazz icons received rave acclaims; furthermore, department of music at SCU has played a major supportive role in the shaping and establishment of acclaimed festivals such as “Asia Trombone Seminar,” “Taipei International Summer Jazz Academy,” and “Taipei Saxophone Summer Camp” have become annual events since 2003.

International and national academic exchanges form a substantial part in academic activities at department of music, USC. With government grants and private funding and donations, students and teachers have concert-toured in Asia and Europe, as well as participations in international music festivals such as MID EUROPE - in which our wind orchestra won the 5th prize in 2006; and Killington Music Festival in 2009.

At Shih-Chien, we not only train students, we assist them with creative yet demanding academic and professional requirements; and lend them a hand when it is time to fly!



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