本校創辦人謝東閔先生於1958年創辦「實踐家政專科學校」成為我國第一所家政學校,教育理念「齊家、治國、平天下」﹔力行實踐,產生智慧,造福社會人群,為國家社會孕育具勤儉樸實、樂觀進取、有豐富之生命涵養與服務奉獻熱忱力、實踐力、國際觀特性之人才。 為因應時代變遷,符合社會需求,本校於民國68年6月更名為「實踐家政經濟專科學校」,又於民國80年8月改制為「實踐設計管理學院」,86年8月奉准為「實踐大學」。 經前校長林澄枝及謝孟雄兩位校長之共同教育理念之下,深感本校擁有優良傳統校風,如何展現本校同學和善氣質與高度人文素養,遂於85年在方錫經校長任內,提議成立一個專門培養—具有服務熱忱、親切和善的『實踐服務代表隊』,透過訓練「國際禮儀」、「美姿美儀」、「接待技巧」…等課程,藉由重大慶典及活動實際服務接待中,拓展視野,累積人生經驗,並且為提升校譽而努力。 『你的視野有多大,你的世界就有多大』,在前校長謝宗興校長積極推動「實踐精神」與「勤勞是快樂的」的治校理念下,鼓勵同學多付出與學習,從服務學習中,獲取實際「做中學,學中做」的寶貴經驗,進而反思生命的意義與價值。
♦history of our team
Ex-principle 林澄枝 and professor 謝孟雄 held the same philosophy of education. They thought that our school has a fine tradition; in 1996 with the suggestion of principle 方錫經, they established “Team of Shih-Chien Service representatives”, a team with kindness and enthusiasm for services. In the beginning, there were thirty female members only. Throughout a half year course training of International etiquette, Pose, Appearance and crisis management ; they have broadened their horizons and accumulated life experiences by servicing in major celebrations, activities either in school or outside of school and they as well strive to improve school reputation.
搜尋: 實踐親善服務代表隊